Dicot Pharma listed on Nasdaq First North


After six years on Spotlight Stock Market, the pharmaceutical company Dicot Pharma is moving to Nasdaq First North. The first day of trading is tomorrow after a live streamed bell ringing ceremony at Nasdaq.

Since Dicot Pharma’s share was listed on Spotlight in 2018, the number of shareholders has increased from 7 to approximately 7,250. The company believes that the change of listing to Nasdaq First North, which will take place on November 7, will benefit Dicot Pharma’s continued development, internationalization and competitiveness. It is also expected to strengthen awareness of the company and attract a broader group of investors and provide better access to both the Swedish and international capital markets.

At a ceremony at Nasdaq in Stockholm, Dicot Pharma will open the trading day tomorrow Thursday at 9 am CET by ringing the famous stock exchange bell from 1798. The ceremony and an interview with CEO Elin Trampe will be livestreamed from 08:45 CET here: Nasdaq bell ringing ceremony

Trading in Dicot Pharma’s shares and warrants TO6 continues as usual on Spotlight today, November 6, until the close of trading. Thereafter, existing shares and warrants will automatically be transferred to Nasdaq First North, which means that the company’s shareholders do not need to take any action.

“This is a very exciting move that we have high hopes for. Nasdaq First North has a significant proportion of both institutional and foreign investors for whom Dicot Pharma can now become more accessible and attractive. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Spotlight for their great support and cooperation during our six years with them”, comments Björn Petersson, Dicot Pharma’s CFO.

For further information, please contact:

Elin Trampe, CEO
Phone: +46 72 502 10 10
E-mail: elin.trampe@dicotpharma.com

About Dicot Pharma AB

Dicot Pharma is developing the drug candidate LIB-01, which will be a potency agent to better treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The ambition is to create a drug with significantly longer effect and far fewer side effects, compared to current available drugs. Today, over 500 million men suffer from these sexual dysfunctions and the market is valued at USD 8 billion. Dicot’s strategy is to develop LIB-01 under own auspices until phase 2a study and thereafter in partnership with larger, established pharmaceutical companies, finance and develop LIB-01 further to a registered pharmaceutical on the world market.

Dicot Pharma is listed on Spotlight Stock Market and has approximately 7,200 shareholders. For more information, please visit www.dicotpharma.com.

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