In today’s competitive landscape, a higher education is essential for building a comfortable career. For students worldwide, the United States remains a top destination for higher studies, thanks to its numerous globally recognized universities. However, tuition in the U.S. can be prohibitively expensive for both domestic and international students. To support students financially, most universities offer their own scholarships and aid programs, with some aimed specifically at international students and many targeted toward U.S. citizens. Additionally, these universities accept state grants. One such grant, accepted by universities like Cornell, is the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).
What is the New York State Tuition Assistance Program?
The New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) provides financial support to eligible undergraduate New York residents, offering aid that does not need to be repaid. To qualify, students must complete a New York State aid application each year, and their family’s taxable income must not exceed $80,000 annually.
Eligibility for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program
According to the New York State government, TAP eligibility is based on the following criteria:
- U.S. citizenship or eligibility for noncitizen status.
- Legal residency in New York State, with a continuous 12-month residence requirement before applying.
Academic Requirements for TAP
To qualify, applicants must meet specific academic standards:
- High School or Equivalent: They must have a U.S. high school diploma, a high school equivalency diploma (GED), or have passed a federally approved “Ability to Benefit” test.
- College Enrollment Requirements: Students must:
- Attend an approved college in New York State.
- Be full-time, taking at least 12 credits per semester.
- Be enrolled in a degree program and maintain good academic standing.
- Have a minimum tuition charge of $200 per year.
Income and Financial Requirements for TAP
To qualify financially for TAP in the 2024-25 academic year, candidates need to meet specific income thresholds based on dependency status:
- $125,000 or less net taxable income: For dependent undergraduates or independent students with dependents (including married students or those who have been orphans, foster children, or wards of the court after age 13).
- $60,000 or less net taxable income: For married independent students without dependents.
- $30,000 or less net taxable income: For single independent students without dependents.
Additional requirements include:
- Being in good standing on any NYS or federal education loan.
- Complying with the terms of any NYS service obligations from previous awards.
These structured financial supports, including TAP, help make higher education in New York accessible to more students, reducing the financial burden on families and fostering academic success.
For more information, students can visit the official website or can click on this link.