Using new technology to simplify everyday life in various ways is something nearly all people do, except for a group that is particularly hard to persuade. A full 60 percent of dog and cat owners in Sweden say no thanks to solutions that could make pet ownership easier, such as GPS trackers, pet cameras, or electronic pet doors.
“Embracing new technology can make life easier for pet owners in Sweden, so Irish pet owners should embrace the new tech and try the products that are available on the Irish market” says Bernard O’Sullivan, Country Head at Agria Ireland.
A slightly higher price tag may be a reason for the resistance, but just like with other household technology it often pays off in the long run to find smart everyday solutions.
The most common tech gadget among dog owners is a GPS tracker, used by 9 percent of dog owners and 6 percent of cat owners. An unconfirmed suspicion is that most dog owners use it for their dogs during hunting. A small group has also installed a pet camera to keep an eye on what the dog or cat does at home alone.
“A pet camera can provide additional reassurance if the pet is pregnant or not feeling well, but also if it has certain behaviors that one wants to show to experts for help,” says Bernard.
In addition to GPS trackers and pet cameras, there is almost a sense of technophobia among pet owners. Why opt out of a self-cleaning litter box? Only one percent of pet owners in the survey believe it is a really good idea that they have adopted, while a couple of percent have installed an electronic pet door on their front door.
*The survey was answered by 800 dog and cat owners in Sweden and conducted by the research company Xtreme on behalf of Agria.
Damien Hanley
Marketing Strategy Manager