Edison Investment Research publishes an updated research note of Cereno Scientific and an executive CEO interview with Sten R. Sörensen



Cereno Scientific (Nasdaq First North: CRNO B), an innovative biotech pioneering treatments to enhance and extend life for people with rare cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, today announces that the equity research company Edison Investment Research has published an updated research note of the company and an executive interview with CEO Sten R. Sörensen highlighting the Q3 report.

In the interview, Cereno’s CEO Sten R. Sörensen comments on the recently released Q3 report, the company’s strategy for rare diseases, how the recently completed capital raise of 250 million kronor will be used, and key milestones for the company.


See the interview here.


Read the full research note here.



For further information, please contact:

Julia Fransson, Director Business Development

Email:  julia.fransson@cerenoscientific.com

Phone: +46 708-14 31 75


Sten R. Sörensen, CEO

Email: sten.sorensen@cerenoscientific.com

Phone: +46 73-374 03 74


About Cereno Scientific AB

Cereno Scientific is pioneering treatments to enhance and extend life. Our innovative pipeline offers disease-modifying drug candidates to empower people suffering from rare cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases to live life to the full.

Lead candidate CS1 is an HDACi that works through epigenetic modulation, being developed as a safe, effective and disease modifying treatment for rare disease Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH). A Phase IIa trial evaluating CS1’s safety, tolerability, and exploratory efficacy in patients with PAH demonstrated that CS1 was safe, well-tolerated and showed a positive impact on exploratory clinical efficacy parameters. An Expanded Access Program enables patients that have completed the Phase IIa trial to gain access to CS1. HDACi CS014, in Phase I development, is a new chemical entity with disease-modifying potential. CS014 employs a multi-modal mechanism of action as an epigenetic modulator, targeting key unmet needs in patients with rare disease Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF). Cereno Scientific is also pursuing a preclinical program with CS585, an oral, highly potent and selective prostacyclin (IP) receptor agonist that has demonstrated the potential to significantly improve disease mechanisms relevant to cardiovascular diseases. While CS585 has not yet been assigned a specific indication for clinical development, preclinical data indicates that it could potentially be used in indications like thrombosis prevention without increased risk of bleeding and Pulmonary Hypertension.

The Company is headquartered in GoCo Health Innovation City, in Gothenburg, Sweden, and has a US subsidiary; Cereno Scientific Inc. based in Kendall Square, Boston, Massachusetts, US. Cereno Scientific is listed on the Nasdaq First North (CRNO B). The Certified Adviser is Carnegie Investment Bank AB, certifiedadviser@carnegie.se. More information is on www.cerenoscientific.com.


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