Eastnine carries out a set-off issue to the seller of Warsaw Unit


As announced today in a separate press release, Eastnine AB (publ) (“Eastnine”) has acquired 46-storey office tower Warsaw Unit from Warsaw Unit NV (the “Seller”), a subsidiary of the Ghelamco group. As part of the consideration, Eastnine has today carried out a set‑off issue of 8,760,684 new shares in Eastnine to the Seller at a subscription price of EUR 4.68 per share, corresponding to the long-term net asset value per share in Eastnine as of 30 September 2024.

The board of directors of Eastnine resolved on the new issue based on the authorisation from the annual general meeting on 25 April 2024. The share issue was structured as a set-off issue, where a receivable of EUR 41m arising from the acquisition was offset against 8,760,684 new shares in Eastnine. The shares have been subscribed for by, and allotted to, the Seller and are expected to be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office and admitted for trading during this week.

Following the set-off issue, the number of issued shares in Eastnine amounts to 98,241,728 and Eastnine’s share capital increases through the set-off issue by EUR 358,312.007380 to EUR 4,018,087.031580.

Eastnine AB (publ)

For more information contact:
Kestutis Sasnauskas, CEO, +46 8 505 97 700
Britt-Marie Nyman, CFO and Deputy CEO, +46 70 224 29 35
Visit www.eastnine.com

This information is information that Eastnine AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 03.51 a.m. CET on 26 November 2024.

Eastnine AB (publ) is a Swedish real estate company listed at Nasdaq Stockholm, Mid Cap, sector Real Estate. Eastnine’s business concept is to be the leading long-term provider of modern and sustainable office premises in prime locations at selected markets in the Baltics and Poland.

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