Adopting the final Annual Report


PHI intends to convene a general meeting to adopt the annual report for the fiscal year 2023/2024 and to amend resolutions regarding election of board members and the number of board members.

It has come to the attention of Phase Holographic Imaging PHI AB (publ) (“PHI” or the “Company”) that the annual report for the fiscal year 2023/2024 that was made available and presented at the annual general meeting held on 31 October 2024 was not the final and audited version. Furthermore, Leland Foster has declined to be reelected to the board.

The correct and audited annual report for the fiscal year 2023/2024 has today been published. The Company will shortly issue a notice for an extraordinary general meeting in order to adopt the annual report and to determine the number of board members and the composition of the board of the Company.

For additional information, please contact:
Anders Månsson
Web: – Live cell imaging & analysis

About PHI
Phase Holographic Imaging (PHI) is a medical technology company that develops and markets its non-invasive time-lapse imaging instruments for long-term quantitative analysis of living cells. The foundation of PHI’s current commercial HoloMonitor® products is Quantitative Phase Imaging (QPI) technology — an innovative approach to cell quality evaluation. QPI offers detailed analysis of cell characteristics without harming the cells, avoiding the limitations of traditional measurement methods. PHI is actively focusing on business development to expand from pre-clinical research to the clinical market and the emerging regenerative medicine field. PHI envisions transforming live cell analysis and establishing QPI as a standard for cell quality control, making future cell therapies safe, affordable, and accessible for patients. PHI is based in Lund, Sweden, Boston, MA and Winston-Salem, NC.  

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