For almost 30 years, I have proudly served as Editor of Area Development and, I hope, have provided you, the reader, with information to help in making your company’s site and facility planning decisions. Of course, there have been changes in the way the information is delivered, with our website adding to what’s included in the print magazine and its many supplements focused on varied industrial sectors, logistics, workforce, and domestic and foreign locations.
Additionally, many factors have changed the field of economic development over the years, including deregulation of the utility industry, the growth of new technologically advanced industrial sectors, sustainability mandates, changing demographics, delivery methods of workforce training, and much more. Nonetheless, our Corporate and Consultants surveys of decision-makers’ plans and site selection priorities — now in their 38th and 20th years, respectively — have remained a highly valued tool for economic development agencies vying for new business to grow their economies.
At this juncture, the time has come for me to segue into retirement with a more limited role and turn over the reins to our new Editor, Andy Greiner, who brings a wealth of journalistic experience and will continue to provide you with the content you expect from Area Development.
Finally, a thanks to all of our readers and to the many contributors to Area Development over the years. It’s been my privilege to serve you while working with our talented staff.
Geraldine Gambale
Editor (1995 – 2023)